Stock code 01685.HK Boer products 简体中文 繁體中文


Technical supportTechnical support

Data centre

Data centreIntelligent EquipmentIntelligent Equipment

Big data era is surging, almost everyone, every day through the network shopping, financial management, chat, watching news.The exchange of these information depends on a large number of data acquisition, transmission, exchange, processing and other equipment, and the data center has become a facility closely related to everyone's life.

sector demand



  •  1博耳电力针对数据中心的解决方案-数聚汇,通过把机房有效分隔形成微模块,植入列间空调、直接侧向送风,有效解决针对高密度机柜的制冷效率问题,PUE可低至1.5。

  •  2每个微模块中都配备独立的消防、安防、动环监控系统,整体设备可以工厂内预制,对机房建筑物无特殊环境要求,大大简化和缩短建设周期。

  •  3数聚汇具备室内应用和集装箱式室外应用两种方案.集装箱方案更为快速部署和移动机房应用提供了极大方便。